The Black Woman Experience

Black women need a safe space to feel connected. To feel like they are not alone. The funny thing is that a lot of times we feel like we are….alone. Like the issues and life struggles that we go through as a black woman is a direct target to us individually. That no one else is going through the same issues along their journey. Be it men, careers, family, money, love, mental health, hair. The list goes on. But the one thing that I have learned is that we, as black women, are connected. That the journey of life that we are on is similar in most ways to our sisters. The issue is that we don’t talk about it enough. We don’t share our successes, our fears, our defeats, our struggles, and our wins with each other enough. Because if we did, we would discover that we are not alone. That as black women we stand in solidarity with most of the issues we face in a world that can sometimes feel so isolating. And interestingly enough we are winning.

Welcome to my blog. My hope with each post is to let you take a peek into my world as a black woman and share some of my experiences and nuggets of wisdom. To hopefully show other black women, like you, that you are absolutely not alone. That we are all going through this black human experience together. And hopefully, if we share enough with each other we will learn, we will grow, and we will empower each other to live in our greatness.

In solidarity,

Your neighborhood friendly black woman